Clairvoyant Psychic Reading App

Get easy access to Clairvoyant Psychic Reading on the New Age Sun app! New Age Sun provides enlightenment and metaphysical information on topics such as spirituality, meditation, metaphysics, crystals, psychic reading, numerology, life-path numerology, runes, runic divination and magical uses, clairvoyance, Tarot, Wicca and witchcraft, shamanism, and new age ebooks and blogs by New Age author Shaman Vitki. The app also includes a live chat feature and social wall. The application includes several videos as well.


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Clairvoyant Psychic Readings and Mediums

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Clairvoyant psychic or clairvoyant medium is a term that represents an ability for a person or psychic to see clearly into the future or past. The method in which this is done can vary.There are some psychic readers that use a form of channeling spirits as a medium. John Edward or Sylvia Brown would fall under this type of psychic.  These psychics are usually referred to as Clairvoyant. Shamans would also fall under this category.

A clairvoyant medium or shaman will use the aid of another spirit to channel information. Some refer to these spirits as guardian angels, deceased relatives, or familiars, but the terms are really interchangeable. A medium might channel his own guide to receive the pertinent information someone is wanting to know or he may channel a spirit that is close to the individual that is being read or that is having a reading done. Many times this is a combined effort by the clairvoyants familiar spirits and those that want to come through for the person being read.

Many mediums have their own way that they receive information. Some can actually hear the spirits voice, some actually see visions in their mind and interpret what the see, some feel emotions and sensations as well through this process. Most clairvoyants have a unique practice or method that has been perfected for them over time. Some use a form of trance or meditation and other methods as well. Some mediums will lie down or sit in a trance like state, others may walk and make gestures, some may look to be talking to himself. Clairvoyants can even do readings over the phone, internet, or radio. There is no right or wrong method when wondering if a clairvoyant is legit or honest. You should know a true clairvoyant reading when you get it; even if it takes a little time to digest!

When you receive a true clairvoyant reading you should be able to validate by some simple information that will come through. Most spirits like to give that confirmation to you. There are times the information may not mean much at the time, but may make sense later. you should also understand you may not always get to contact the deceased relative that you were hoping to and instead get information from some other kindred spirit. Spirit knows what you need to know and will find a way to communicate that to you. It is up to you to be open and not have tunnel vision when receiving the information provided. The information is for you to decipher and use. The clairvoyant should be able to offer insight, but really should just present the information to you as unbiased as possible.

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