Tarot Reading

A clairvoyant psychic that uses Tarot cards will use different lay outs of the cards after they have been shuffled and spread with questions in mind. It is not necessary for the person who is having the tarot reading done to be present, but if the person being read is with the psychic, they will usually shuffle the cards and the psychic will then spread them out and read them accordingly and will then interpret the layout of the cards using them only as tools and as visual aid. A good reader will  use the intuition they receive more so than the exact representation of each card, but will use the card or cards as a point of reference  or tool. The clairvoyant esp information is what the psychic will refer to. Sometimes cards show up that trigger certain clairvoyant thoughts or information to the psychic that he or she then shares with the person being read. Once again this process can be done in person, over the phone, and yes online! Want a free tarot reading?

Here is some basic information about a tarot deck and the meanings of the cards:

A Tarot deck of cards contains 78 cards divided into two main groups:

22 Major Arcana

56 Lesser Arcana

The 22 Major Arcana or trump cards are comprised of:

0 The Fool-new beginnings, folly, mania

1 The Magician-skill, ability to make things so

2 The High Priestess- secrets,mystery

3 The Empress- creativity,fruitfulness, nurture

4 The Emperor-stability,power,leader

5 The Hierophant-man of spirituality, servitude

6 The Lovers-attraction or love to a person or thing

7 The Chariot-struggle or war,triumph, means of transportation

8 Strength- power energy,courage

9 The Hermit-introspection, alone,  prudence

10 Wheel of Fortune-luck, success, fortune,

11 Justice-equity, balance in reason or  naturally forced

12 The Hanged Man-wisdom, time of trial or reflecting,

13 Death-transformation, change, end, and mortality

14 Temperance-tempering, moderation

15 The Devil-temptations, ambitions

16 The Tower-adversity, misery, false concepts thought of as real

17 The Star-looks to the future,wishing, spiritual insight

18 The Moon-hidden enemies,emotional and mental trial

19 The Sun-triumph, happiness, mental clarity

20 Judgement-change in position, renewal, past is past

21 The World-successful conclusion, voyage, change of place, satisfaction

Please understand the above meanings are generic and not all inclusive.

The Lesser Arcana is separated into 4 suits: Wands,Cups,Swords, Coins or Pentacles

Wands-represent the element fire, passions, doing or actions

Cups-represent the element water, feelings or emotions

Swords-represent the element air, thoughts or conflicts

Coins or Pentacles-represent the the element earth, material aspects and possessions of our lives

Each suit then has the following cards:

King, Queen, Knight, Page,10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, Ace

The King, Queen, Knight, Page, or (court cards)  usually represent people in    relation to the reading or question but they can be symbolic as well.

The 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, Ace cards all have meanings as well as they pertain within their respected suit.

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Psychic Divination Tools

There are many different aids or tools a psychic or clairvoyant may use. Anyone may use these tools to aid  in his or her own divination for that matter! Examples include Tarot Cards, Runes, Crystal balls, scrying mirrors or other scrying objects, and pendulums.

Tarot cards are a commonly used aid.  Each Tarot card has a divinatory meaning associated with it.  In a Tarot reading, sometimes if the card is upside down, it weakens the meaning or even reverses it. It depends on the individual psychic giving the reading on how the card is interpreted. Usually, the Psychic has the person being read  handle or shuffle the cards in some manner or does it for them. The cards are then placed into a particular spread and interpreted. There are numerous types of spreads and once again it depends on the individual psychic and his or her preference. Tarot cards have different pictures on them and there are many different kinds of artistic designs and decks one can choose from.

Runes were used by the ancient Nordic people as a magical language. Their uses ranged from writing messages and making charms or talismans to predicting the future and magical work. In Anglo-Saxon English and Old Norse, the word Rune meant secret, mystery and magical signs. Each rune contains its own meaning and has energies associated with it.

Crystal balls, mirrors and shiny stones are other “scrying” objects. The user will gaze upon the clear surface until a vision appears which can be understood directly or interpreted. Any reflective stone or object can really be used for this purpose. The concept is to still the mind and see what then comes to mind – So to speak.

A pendulum is another tool some may use.   The pendulum is a tool that bridges the gap between the logical left brain and the intuitive right brain. By interpreting the movements of a swinging pendulum, you can tune into your intuition, find the answer to any question, and locate objects and energy centers in the earth.

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